Atdf Journal: Focus on Entrepreneurship

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Atdf Journal: Focus on Entrepreneurship discusses the development of Africa’s private sector which so far consists of mostly informal micro enterprises, operating alongside large firms. Most companies are small because the private sector is new and because of legal and financial obstacles to capital accumulation. The development of the private sector varies greatly throughout Africa. SMEs are flourishing in South Africa, Mauritius and North Africa, thanks to fairly modern financial systems and clear government policies in favour of private enterprise


Financing Small and Medium Enterprises in Africa.

Céline Kauffmann

A changing continent: The Africa you never see.

Carol Pineau

Seeding entrepreneurs to promote private sector growth: An African perspective to poverty reduction.

Victor Konde, ATDF

The Principal-Agent Problem in Development Assistance and its Impact on Local Entrepreneurship in Africa: Time for New Approaches in Africa.

Philipp Aerni, ATDF

Connecting Rural Hinterlands in Africa to Domestic and Export Markets: Elements for a Strategic Trade Facilitation Assistance Package.

Mahesh Sugathan

Linking global firms to Local SMEs.

Constantine Bartel, ATDF

Special Features:

Will Qatar take a lead in the emergence of an Arab and Islamic Scientific Renaissance in the twenty first century?

Abdelali Haoudi

The Ethiopian Airlines Training Center.

Makonnen Kidane

Africa Open For Business Now on DVD

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