ATDF Journal: African Orphan Crops

Cover-Orphan Crops-JournalATDF Journal Volume 6 Issue 3 & 4, 2009 – African Orphan Crops

23 May 2010

This special issue of the ATDF Journal is dedicated to the Orphan Crops of Africa. Although orphan crops are also known by different names (e.g. underutilized-, lost- or disadvantaged-crops), they all refer to a group of crops that are vital to the economy of developing countries due to their suitability to the agro-ecology and socio-economic conditions, but remain largely unimproved due to less attention has been given by the world scientific community. In order to boost food production in Africa emphasis should be given, not only to the major crops but also, to the orphan crops.

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Issues Covered

Enhancing food security in Africa through science, technology and innovation

Constantine Bartel HTML

Role of orphan crops in enhancing and diversifying food production in Africa

Zerihun Tadele HTML

The comparative genomics of orphan crops

Andrew H. Paterson, Barbara K. Mashope and Lifeng Lin HTML

Harnessing biotechnology for conservation and utilization of genetic diversity in orphan crops

Ranjana Bhattacharjee HTML

Tailoring bioinformatics for the genetic improvement of orphan crops

Melaku Gedil HTML

The improvement of African orphan crops through TILLING

Korinna Esfeld and Zerihun Tadele HTML

Importance of tissue culture for orphan crops

Thomas Dubois HTML

Significance of genome sequencing for African orphan crops: the case of tef

Sonia Plaza, Eligio Bossolini and Zerihun Tadele HTML

Progress in prevention of toxico-nutritional neuro-degenerations

Fernand Lambein, Delphin Diasolua Ngudi and Yu-Haey Kuo HTML

African yam bean: a crop with security potentials for Africa

Dominique and A. Daniel HTML

Who is who in African orphan crops research and development

Zerihun Tadele HTML


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