Author: Constantine Bartel

ATDF Journal: Embeddedness and Sustainability of MNC’s

This ATDF Journal discusses embeddedness and assessing the quality and extent of «local embeddedness» as a sustainability indicator that captures the positive externalities generated by multinational companies for the local economy the local environment, and the local community and its transformation. The term ‘embeddedness’ has been shaped and re-shaped by the research of economic sociologists Read More …

From Philanthropy to Business: When Transformation is the Only Way to Stay True to Your Mission

Ulrich Frei – Director, FUNDES International, Costa Rica Isabelle Schluep – Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability at the University of Zurich Abstract The sustainable development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Latin America is FUNDES’ mission and reason for being. The work of FUNDES involves targeted learning among its customers that can Read More …

Chinese official development assistance (ODA)boosts economic growth in recipient countries study finds.

Authors: Dreher, Axel and Fuchs, Andreas and Parks, Bradley and Strange, Austin M. and Tierney, Michael J., October 2017. The new study finds that Chinese official development assistance (ODA) boosts economic growth in recipient countries. But find no robust evidence that World Bank aid promotes growth. The authors use a new dataset of official financing Read More …

Technology will drive scientific progress in Africa not the other way round

While basic scientific research is still relevant in Africa, its relevance is enhanced when linked to efforts to solve daily problems argues Calestous Juma, Professor of the Practice of International Development at Harvard Kennedy School   For example, in transportation, it is one thing to conduct basic research in material sciences. But the quickest way Read More …