Category: Blog

A Challenging Business Environment Needs an Inclusive Responsible Business Initiative (RBI)

1.  Background Without the active engagement of the private sector and multinational enterprises (MNEs), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will not be achieved. Local affiliates of MNCs are one of the most effective channels through which technology is transferred across countries. Developing countries need both local and foreign direct investment to improve competitiveness and to facilitate Read More …

ATDF-Journal Perspectives on Agriculture, infrastructure, migration and transformation

April 2019 This ATDF Journal on Agriculture, infrastructure, migration and transformation explains how there has been profound changes and significant progress in many aspects of Tanzania’s rural economy providing prospects for a realistic economic response to evolving market opportunities and significant progress in living conditions. Robin Workman describes how the efficiency of rural transport is Read More …

Why smaller companies make the most valuable partners

08 Jan 2019 Tarek Sultan Al Essa Chief Executive Officer and Vice-Chairman of the Board, Agility Smaller businesses need their own ecosystems. They require products, services, partners and collaborators that speed their digital journey; help them enter new markets; allow them to deploy their data; and give them access to scale-building technology that sharpens their Read More …

Business sans Borders

A collaborative AI-driven global solutions hub to foster SME digitalisation Singapore, 12 November 2018 The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) are partnering with six private sector partners to create a Proof of Concept (“POC”) hybrid business data and digital solutions hub.  The initiative will leverage on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Read More …

ATDF Journal: African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)

ATDF Journal-AfCFTA Volume 9, Issue 2 2018 on African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) looks at Economic Transformation and Regional Integration in Africa. Till now, the role of intra-African trade has been limited as African economies trade relatively little between themselves. Now, African leaders are determined to change that. The signing of the African Continental Read More …

The Development of a Continental Services Market: An Opportunity for Africa’s Transformation

Africa is appealing to business in two ways, its low-cost resources and free-trade agreements that promote trade across half the continent. Transformative is the word most commonly used when people refer to the African Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA). A primary aim of this ambitious effort is the expansion of intra-African trade by lowering the Read More …