Market Research, Financing, Training and Mentoring

Business Mentor Visit Zambia Hub

Take the leap

The ATDF Entrepreneurship Hub (AEH) is a unique multidisciplinary and multinational private firm that primarily promotes innovation, entrepreneurship and business development among the youths and MSMEs. Founded in 2007, AEH undertakes market research, financing, training and mentoring and helps its client to create useful business linkages, find trusted partners, and supports emerging entrepreneurs and firms through advice and funding.

Leap Frog

The ATDF Hub Is:

An Entrepreneurship and Business Support Centre;

A Business Incubation Centre;

An SMEs Linkages and Support centre, and

An Outreach and Marketing Centre.

As additional centres are created in other countries, each will undertake Technology Leadership Programmes, SME development project and the projects on strengthening of R&D centres. All AEH centres will involve universities, industries and government. This is important not only for commercialization of technologies but also for integrating African firms in the global economy.
