The manuscript should be in A4 size format, times roman, 12 font size, 1.5 sentence spacing with a word count of no more than 7000 and submitted electronically, preferably in MS Word.
The first sheet should contain the title of the article, names of authors, affiliation, complete addresses and short biographical note(s).
The abstract should not exceed 200 words and six keywords. It should summarize the purpose, results, interpretation and significance of the study.
The main body should start with an Introduction and end with conclusions/discussion. Apart from introduction titles and subtitles should be numbered. In-text references should be provided as numbers ’[number]’. The detailed references are then listed at the end as endnotes.
Reference citation
Sources of information used in reports should be acknowledged at a relevant place within the text where the particular information is given or the subject is discussed (see examples below). They must then also be cited in full at the end of the report. Within the text, references are cited giving the author's family name and the year of publication.
If a publication has more than two authors, up to four names should be mentioned the first time it is cited and thereafter it should be given as the first author followed by et al. It is not generally necessary to give a page number at the point of text citation.
If there is no author, the publishing organisation can often be considered as an author. An acronym or abbreviation can be cited in the text, but it should be given in full in the reference. At the end of the report, the references should be listed in alphabetical order.
All cited references should be sufficiently comprehensive to allow a colleague or librarian to obtain the original reference or to request a copy (which is why the number of pages is helpful). If the document is available on the internet, please give the URL/web address and indicate the date of access [Accessed on: DD-MM-YYYY]
Further examples:
- Douglas, M. (1992). Risk and Blame. Essays in Cultural Theory. Routledge, London.
- FAO (1995). Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, FAO, Rome. Available online:
- Gabriel, K. R. (1981). Biplot display of multivariate matrices for inspection of data and diagnosis In V. Barnett (ed.) Interpreting multivariate data. John Wiley & Sons, London.
- Juma, C. and Konde, V. (2002). Industrial applications for Biotechnology; Opportunities for developing countries. Environment, Vol. 44(1): 23-35.
Tables should be furnished with appropriate titles and numbered consecutively in order of their reference in the text. Submit each table and figure on a separate sheet and also indicate the source in case it is not based on your own research results. The layout should follow a consistent standard.
Only electronic copies (DOC, PAGES) will be accepted. They should be sent to:
Authors may recommend peer reviewers. However, every article will be sent to appropriate experts for review. The comments received will be sent back to the author(s).
Submit the titles and names of authors of the papers to be contained in the special issue. As a guest editor you assume the responsibility of assuring the quality and integrate of the articles. After that, the issue will be peer reviewed by at least two experts.