ATDF Journal: Food Sovereignty
The contents of this issue of the ATDF Journal: The Global Food Crisis is not going away. The price peaks of 2008 have returned in 2011, but the remedies to address the problem largely remain the same. Many countries vow to fight the problem by invoking the fashionable term ‘Food Sovereignty’. It largely refers to the Read More
ATDF Journal: Industrial Policy
The contents of this special issue of the ATDF Journal: Problems facing Local Manufacturers in the Nigerian Agro-Allied Machine Fabrication Industry – From Science and Technology to Innovation for Development – Exploring the Constraints of Rural Enterprise Development and Poverty Reduction in Ghana – A resurgence in acquisition of industrial technology in Africa? Analysis of global Read More
ATDF Journal: Architecture
Architects and development specialists often live in different worlds and it is difficult to create a publicawareness for the development dimension of innovative architecture. This special issue of the ATDF Journal aims to change this by bringing the two worlds closer together showing a variety of innovative projects and discussing their impact on African development in Read More
ATDF Journal: African Orphan Crops
ATDF Journal Volume 6 Issue 3 & 4, 2009 – African Orphan Crops 23 May 2010 This special issue of the ATDF Journal is dedicated to the Orphan Crops of Africa. Although orphan crops are also known by different names (e.g. underutilized-, lost- or disadvantaged-crops), they all refer to a group of crops that are Read More